Oh........ man.... that was good
This is the best thing on Newgrounds. Thanks for making my day.
Oh........ man.... that was good
This is the best thing on Newgrounds. Thanks for making my day.
That was the most brilliant piece of artwork of our time. You are a genius! Keep making this and do!
PS Will you marry me?
he caca'd in the guy's face.... brilliant
very nice
You didn't fuck around; you went straight to the point and had 2 guys kick the shit out of each other. More movies need to be like this one! Great job! but add some sound...
Possibly the worst flash movie ever!
OMG! Lines flying across the screen in a kaleidoscope (possibly the shittiest invention ever) manner! Common! Nobody wants to see lines; give us blood, sex and lots of swearing. I hope you enjoy the constructive criticism.
Sorry .. but I'm just not going to do that. There may be some comic violence in "Square Kingdom," a new Flash RPG I'm working on now, but that's it, and you'll have to wait till I finish writing it.
I got totally lost I one point and then I just got hooked to my screen watching this. I love it!
Age 39, Male
Hollywood Montreal
Joined on 1/30/04